How we work

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well.

Good Life Counseling Center

If you have witnessed incorrect behavior among all project members in Galilee, the company will take appropriate action Please consult or report so we can respond.

※ For consultation, please agree to the collection and use of personal information below. If you are writing, you have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information below. However, if you refuse the required consent, consultation through the homepage is limited and you can use the consultation even if you do not agree with the optional consent items.

  • 수집항목

    성명, 이메일


  • 이용목적

    - 상담의뢰, 제휴,
    협력, 궁금한 점
    등의 작성

  • 보유 및 이용기간

    답변 완료시

The purpose of the system

The purpose of the counseling center is not to prosecute and discipline itself.
All of our members look at the direction and direction the company wants to go, and
To create a "Jesus Man" that is an example to those who do not lose and do not believe.

The subject of consultation / report

  • Inquiries regarding the interpretation and application of Galilee standards
  • Consultation on conflict situations in job performance
  • Unfair business treatment, unfair demands, provision of money and entertainment or bribery, fraud/misconduct
  • Unethical behavior, including violation of the Good Life Statement (Code of Ethics)

Informant status guarantee

  • We do not accept any identity penalty or discrimination on the basis of a legitimate report.
  • The damage incurred as a result of the report shall be subject to the restoration of the original image or the corresponding responsibility.

Nondisclosure principles

  • The identity of the informant and the contents of the report will be kept confidential from being disclosed against the will of the person.
  • The results will be forwarded to the contact information you have listed.(E-mail address or Contact number.)

Objective/Independent Processing

  • Investigations into the contents of the report are independently and objectively organized.
  • When an employee who is aware of the informant's information on the job or by accident discloses his or her identity or report. After investigating the path of identity exposure, the person responsible may be subject to disciplinary action.

※ 상담을 원하시면 아래 개인정보 수집 및 이용에 동의해주시기 바랍니다. 작성하시는 분는 아래의 개인정보 수집 · 이용에 대한 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다. 그러나 필수 동의를 거부할 경우 홈페이지를 통한 상담이 제한되며 선택 동의 항목은 동의하지 않아도 상담 이용이 가능합니다.

  • 수집항목

    성명, 이메일


  • 이용목적

    - 상담의뢰, 제휴,
    협력, 궁금한 점
    등의 작성

  • 보유 및 이용기간

    답변 완료시