How we work

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well.

Code of Ethics

  1. ① Read the Bible

    Read the Bible anytime, anywhere and work on the corporate life centered on god.

  2. ② Comply with all laws

    We comply with laws and codes of ethics with the right consciousness anytime, anywhere.

  3. ②-1.Law, regulations, code of ethics.

    We have a responsibility to act with integrity that never compromises in all activities and relationships related to our company life.
    The galilee family values, encourages and respects individual responsibility.
    Excuses such as “I’ve been doing this before” or “I didn’t know” and “I couldn’t help myself to live” are not good reasons for violating this code.
    We need to understand the key laws and regulations that apply to work of individuals and teams.
    If you are unclear whether there is a violation of the law before or during your work, you can always ask the legal team for help.

  4. ②-2.Fair trade

    The galilee family complies with antitrust and fair trade laws.
    We compete fairly with our own creative and innovative strategies, and we do not use our superior position to limit our competitors’ sales activities or take advantage of our competitors’ weaknesses.
    We ensure fair opportunities for all individuals and businesses wishing to do business with Galilee in accordance with the principles and procedures set out in galilee.
    Inevitably, in order to limit the transaction, a valid reason must be secured, and in order to give an opportunity only to a specific target, we do not intentionally refuse a transaction, limit participation, or engage in unfair acts that give preference to a specific company without specific reason.
    We provide clear and justifiable reasons and take action by transparent procedures when we need to limit or adjust the terms and conditions of our business partners.
    If you have any questions about fair trade while conducting business, do not judge arbitrarily and consult with your department manager or seek advice from the legal team.

  5. ②-3.Anti-bribery

    Galilee complies with the act on the prohibition of unlawful solicitation and prohibition of consignment (“Kim Young-Lan Law).
    We do not offer or accept any kind of bribe or rebate with any government official or company or anyone who wants to do business.
    As required by law, bribery includes money, gifts, and meals, as well as travel, donations, rentals, mortgages, and job placement and referrals.
    In the case of gifts and entertainment for public officials directly related to work, it may be permitted to spend only within the scope of the Kim Young-Lan’s Law after review by the legal team and prior approval of the CEO.
    We will not participate in sporting events. Such as golf and skiing, or cultural events such as performances and exhibitions, which are charged at the client’s account, unless prior approval has been given by an official meeting or the CEO.
    Galilee families do not penalize the negative consequences of refusing to give or accept bribes or rebates in the event of work losses.

  6. 2. Consider each other

    We care for each other, and create a clean cultural working environment.

  7. 2-1.Considering and respecting working environment.

    The members of the galilee family regard each other as companions and respect them.
    We have the right to work in an environment free of harassment, coercion, and discrimination.
    Do not take actions that can hurt others, such as insulting remarks or sarcastic gestures.
    Harassment or discriminatory acts that do not respect personality and human rights are material acts that seriously undermine our core values, even if they are not illegal.
    If you see bullying or a colleague suffering from coercion, discrimination or harassment, don’t hesitate to report it to the human resources team.
    Don’t forget that there may not be only one colleague being bullied, and he or she may be having a hard time continuously.

  8. 2-2.Fair opportunities

    Galilee families respect individual diversity and offer employment opportunities that are not discriminated on the grounds of gender, nationality, race, religion, age, disability, military service, marital status, sexual identity, social status, etc.
    in addition, the Galilee families provide reasonable accommodations for members with disabilities protected by law to fulfill our obligations.
    Galilee families do not discriminate on the basis of gender, nationality, race, religion, age, physical disability, military service, marital status, gender identity, social status, etc.
    In personnel management such as salary increases, promotions, and disciplinary actions. We don’t expect a single star to come out for performance.
    We strive to create an organizational culture that enhances the company’s performance through teamwork by valuing and understanding each other.

  9. 2-3.Sexual ethics

    The members of the galilee family do not engage in sexual language or behavior that does not consider the feelings and emotions of the other person.
    We do not think that sexual harassment is a minor and personal problem, and we understand that it can be a lifelong injury to the victim.
    We know that sexual harassment is a serious problem that can harm our healthy working environment, and we strive to prevent this from happening.
    The Galilee families provide examples to prevent sexual harassment.

    1. 1.Hugging or touching a specific body part regardless of the opponent’s opinion.
    2. 2.Any act of indecent joking, sexual analogy or evaluation of appearance, sexual facts, or intentional dissemination of sexual content regardless of the intention of the other party
    3. 3.Using an office position to force yourself to sit next to a drink at a dinner table, etc., or to force a personal meeting.
    4. 4.Posting or showing sexual pictures regardless of their intention.

    In addition, if we find a known sexual harassment case, we must actively advise and report it to the human resources team.
    It is of utmost importance to protect colleagues who have been hurt by sexual harassment so that they can overcome pain and lead a smooth work life.
    The Galilee families respect the individual’s loved ones. However, it cannot protect even the love that agitates the company’s organizational culture.
    A romantic relationship between colleagues can disrupt a member’s smooth family life or the company’s working order.
    The Galilee family regularly and irregularly conducts sexual harassment prevention training for employees as prescribed by the law, and will continue to make efforts to keep the company organized and prevent from violating the law of sexual ethics. As stated in the previous introduction, it should be emphasized once again that the principle of ‘tolerance’ is applied to sexual harassment, along with money, entertainment and embezzlement.

  10. 3. Avoid conflict of interest

    We avoid conflicts of interest and pursue the company’s interests rather than personal interests.
    A ’conflict of interest’ is a situation that raises a reasonable question as to whether our motives and actions are in line with the company’s top priorities.
    We act in the best interests of the company under any circumstances, and we must be careful not to diminish rational judgment by personal interests or dissatisfaction with the company. When faced with a conflict of interest, I wonder whether my judgments and actions may make me or my friends or family profit at the cost of the galilee family, or that a third party may seem to have given me special benefits. We also consider whether our activities can harm or damage the organization’s reputation.

  11. 3-1.Gifts and business entertainment.

    Member of the Galilee family should not accept or offer gifts or entertainment if the gifts or entertainment, make us feel obliged or make it difficult for us to reasonably judge.
    The Galilee families do not require or accept gifts or entertainment from or to those who intend to do business with, or from, the companies of the galilee that may or may affect the business of the galilee families.
    Promotional or discounted offers are available to all members of the galilee family. In addition, if there is a slight value, such as promotional items distributed equally to other people from the client, you can accept it.
    However, if a gift is given to a specific member whose value is insignificant or is not customarily provided, you should seek advice from the Right Life Counseling Center.
    Even when we give gifts, we do not give money or gifts of special value to people and companies that affect or seem to affect our trading relationship.
    We offer branded items or gifts of minor value for the promotion of the Galilee family.
    On the other hand, you can get approved and send and receive business entertainment according to internal regulations.
    However, it must be within a reasonable amount and legally permitted. Hospitality should not seem too much or inappropriate.
    We do not receive or offer entertainment at the luxury business entertainment industry.
    When you decide to take a meal for business cooperation and deteriorate in the nature of entertainment, you should politely but strictly refuse the offer.

  12. 3-2.Multi jobs and non-compete agreement

    For the benefit of the individual, the Galilee people do not work in addition to the jobs of the Galilee company.
    While we were working in the Galilee, we promised to work faithfully for the galilee.
    The Galilee families are concerned about the difficulty of falling to fulfill their duties as a member of our family, who has been tasked with other tasks, and who is struggling with difficulties in fulfilling their duties.
    If inevitably requires an outside company job or a second job (part-time job), you should contact the HR team and receive approval in advance from the company.

  13. 3-3.Intellectual property rights obtained through work

    The products we create in the course of business are the company’s assets belonging to the Galilee company.
    This includes new business opportunities, inventions, discoveries, ideas, software, design, and creative expressions.
    We must know and disclose that tangible and intangible works obtained through the use of the company’s resources and information in the course of our work are the property of the Galilee company, not the individual.
    Starting a business as a member’s personal business or assisting in external development, can create a conflict of interest with the company and may violate a work contract with the company, if you have any questions about intellectual property rights that may conflict with your company, seek advice from the Legal Department or the Right Life Counseling Center.

  14. 3-4.Personal investment and partnership of friends and relatives.

    We do not compete with galilee’s affiliates but making private investments in competitors or trading companies that are likely to suffer or are likely to cause damage.
    When our members make private investments in other companies in the same industry as the Galilee, whether the company you are investing in has a business relationship with Galilee.
    You should protect benefits of Galilee as well as the reputation of personal career.

  15. 4. Protect assets

    Protect private information and also, assets which are necessary.

  16. 4-1.Maintaining confidentiality

    The people of Galilee are in an environment where they are easily exposed to the media or social networking services (SNS) with an innovative working environment and unique working environment.
    Our members should be aware that non-disclosed confidential information is an important asset of the company in personal SNS activities as well as in formal external activities such as lectures, and should be careful not to be exposed outside without the company’s approval.
    If the company’s confidential information is leaked to competitors early though media or other channels, it may harm service launch and operation, eliminate competitive advantage with competitors, and damage investors and advertisers of the Galilee people.
    We do not recklessly share confidential information among members of the galilee people who are not involved in the work that is not a must.
    We never receive or use information we know or suspect that we have obtained illegally or unethically.
    In particular, we collect and use information about competitors only in a legal form.

    1. 1.We do not share the company’s confidential information with friends, family members, or colleagues who have left Galilee.
    2. 2.We do not disclose confidential information in public places where others can accidentally hear, such as the company cafeteria, unsafe hallways, and lobby.
    3. 3.Do not work with exposed paper or work screens containing confidential information in public places that can be viewed by third parties.
    4. 4.When the work contract with the company is terminated, the company is terminated, the original or copy of the information of the company must not be owned, and even after retirement, it will never be disclosed without the company’s approval.
  17. 4-2.External communication.

    Galilee is sensitive to the disclosure of company information. Please forward all requests, such as requests for questions and interviews, from media such as broadcasting, newspapers, magazines, and internet sites to the PR team. In addition, please forward any inquiries or requests from government agencies, law and regulatory authorities, or corporate consultative bodies to the external team (CR).
    The company’s external communication channels are the public relations team and the external team. If we need direct communication with the media, we need to follow the guidance of the PR team. The public relations team will kindly guide you through preliminary preparation and interview procedures through internal review and decision-making. Even at the personal level, it is not advisable to disclose information or opinions of the company or its policies on the internet or SNS without the company’s permission while exposing that they are members of the Galilee. It should also be borne in mind that if a family member, relative, friend, etc. is engaged in the media, it may cause problems by inadvertently revealing the confidentiality of the company or inadvertently conveying opinions that harm the company’s reputation.
    When attending an external panel or giving a lecture or presentation, please share the purpose and presentation of the event to the public relations team and head department. Even external activities involving individual qualifications are often understood as representing the company. You can also get advice from the public relations team about the possibility of the announcement being made differently from the intention of you or the company.
    We may be liable for the consequences of attending an unpublished, unlicensed position of the company, conveying information about the wrong company, or becoming someone in the company’s reputation by improper conduct.

  18. 4-3.Equipment and facility management.

    we provide the necessary tools and equipment for our employees so that they can see their work comfortably. We value the equipment provided by the company and strive responsibly to ensure that it is not wasted or lost.
    The company’s assets must be used only for the company, not for personal use, and cannot be provided to third parties without the company’s permission. The act of transferring or renting the company’s assets without permission is a violation of laws and regulations, and it is an act that damages the company’s property.

  19. 4-4.Company access security

    Employee ID cards are always used in the office. Employee identification cards are the most basic safeguard for protecting corporate assets, such as key information and material properties in our company. You should always be careful not to lose your employee ID. If you lost your ID card, notify immediately to the security department and follow the guidelines. If you unintentionally go to work with your employee ID, visit the information desk and use a temporary pass. Also, be careful whether outsiders who do not have the proper access rights are trying to enter the office following our members. If your find an outsider who hasn’t used your ID card to go around the office and walk around with you, you should immediately notify the information desk security officers and take appropriate guidance.
    On the other hand, you should always keep in mind that outside visitors, including invited guests, can go in and out of the company premises. When inviting outside quests, you come to the 18th

  20. 5. Honest company

    Spend correctly, record transparently, and report honestly.
    The members of the Galilee know that sincere and accurate records are important to business decisions. We adhere to generally accepted accounting principles and maintain the integrity of our financial statements.

  21. 5-1.Money expenditure

    One of Galilee’s four core values is a saving the costs.
    If you’re spending money, make sure you have a budget, whether the cost is directly related to your business plan, and whether you have reliable documentation.
    It is the responsibility of everyone who approves the payment for the wrong expenses, and the payment authority must carefully review the costs before approving.
    If you are in doubt as to whether it is appropriate to handle your money expenditure in accordance with proper procedures and budget, consult with your manager or seek advice from the finance team. We do not allow you to conduct separate ‘back contracts’, verbally or in writing, that are not included in the contract reviewed by the Legal Department.
    We charge or pay according to the contract, and we do not change any claims or payment terms that do not conform to the contract.

  22. 5-2.Transaction records

    Galilee complies with the most stringent standards for preparing financial statements.
    The Galilee accounting book reflects our company’s policy of disclosing facts honestly and transparently.
    It is your responsibility to comply with these standards.
    We will not act to deliberately omit an account or choose to violate accounting standards to make our business look high or pay less tax.
    The Galilee company cooperate with internal and external audits of both the company and its members. In no case will we give false information or cover up.

  23. 5-3.Honest report

    All documents and measures we submit to the company must be accurately written and reported honestly when necessary. Do not forget that intentionally or inadvertently adjusting documents or counts that are different from the facts, or making false reports, can cause serious damage to the company by blurring or misjudge decision and judgment of the superior or related departments.
    The following are some of the cases in which honest reporting should not be done.

    1. 1.An act by an advanced person instructing manipulation of a document or a count, or by an inferior person even knowing that such an indication is clearly an illegal act.
    2. 2.In case of selling a product or providing a service to a client, the act of guiding them with facts and other information.
    3. 3.The act of hiding information or only partially transmitting it for the purpose of misunderstanding the information recipient.
  24. 5-4.Fraud prevention

    The members of the Galilee are employees who cherish honor, and do not pursue personal interests against the company’s interests through intentional and dishonest methods.
    We must use the company’s public funds only for certain purposes. We do not engage in acts that directly or indirectly damage the company by using the company’s funds for personal purposes.
    Galilee provide examples of prohibited acts to prevent fraud.

    1. 1.Submitting false claims and withdrawing funds from the company for expenses that have not actually occurred
    2. 2.Illegal receipt of cash by doing cashback with corporate card.
    3. 3.Unauthorized use of corporate cards by providing them to family members and third parties.
    4. 4.Unauthorized use of the company’s withdrawal of funds or direct receipt of sales money, etc.
  25. 6. Serving client.

    We do our best for client satisfaction.

  26. 6-1.Protection of client information

    Galilee complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and values client information.
    When we collect client personal information, we clarify the purpose and collect it only when it is necessary for business. In addition, the client's personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was collected. Except where the consent of the client is permitted or permitted by law. The use of client information for purposes other than the purpose for which it was provided, or the provision of it to a third party should never be done at the organizational level or the individual level.
    We recognize the importance of client's personal information and continuously practice our utmost efforts to protect it. We continuously check and improve business processes for protecting client information, and do our best to protect client information, such as operating the optimal IT security system. The security department strictly manages the collected personal information to prevent it from being used or leaked.

  27. 6-2.Client satisfaction

    Galilean respects the opinions of their clients and protects their wealth and honor, with the belief that trust and love from clients is the reason for the company's existence and its business base.
    We listen to the sincere demands of our clients, reach out to them with sincerity, communicate with them, and do our best to fulfill our promises.
    We strive to provide services that are practically helpful to our clients and provide the highest level of satisfaction by making them our top priority in business judgment and action.

  28. Conclusion

    The Code of Ethics cannot provide absolute standards that apply in any situation, anytime, anywhere. This is because, while our efforts to uphold the current Code of Ethics continue, new ethical issues emerge and standards change as dynamic business environments and social norms change. You make decisions and act with your own sound judgment, and you are responsible for the consequences. This Code of Ethics will provide you with a solid guide to help you make reasonable judgments for those individuals.
    If you have any questions about the application of any criteria, or if you are uncertain about making judgments on ethical issues not mentioned here, don't be afraid to talk to your manager or ask the right life counseling center. And remember. If you witness or find out what you think is wrong, you can tell the Audit Team or the Right Life Counseling Center to help the company take appropriate action and respond. In any case, confidentiality related to consultation and reporting is strictly protected. Also, we will not tolerate retaliation or sacrifice against any member due to whistleblowers. Thank you for protecting and developing the honor of the Galilee crew.
    2017.04.14 - initially written

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